Reuen jeugdklas
1U J.CAC, Jeugwinner 2014, Beste jeugdhond & res.CAC |
Crème Anglaise's Allegro Con Brio |
2U |
Ikimba Arctic Storm |
3ZG |
Ikimba Arctic Jet Stream Samu |
4ZG |
Shiny Sensation's Fabrizio Moron |
ZG |
It's All Over Now |
Reuen kampioensklas
1U CAC, CACIB & Winner 2014 |
Lanakeshena Love in Motion at Veredon |
2U |
Shiny Sensation's Dawning Sun |
3U |
Absolute Mann Never Give Up |
4U |
Jesrae Game of Thrones |
U |
Nelson of Gentle Mind |
U |
Boxing Helena's Kon Ardore |
ZG |
Mossbawnhill In Hot Pursuit with Ailesbury |
Absent |
Hans von Hoehenzoller |
Teven puppyklas
1VB Beste puppyklas |
Eternal Flame of Little Goblin mit Mossbawnhill |
2VB |
Barnesmore Hell Bells |
Absent |
Salty Sand's Cherished by Hinde |
Absent |
Mano Sansonete Nothing Gonna Stop Us Now |
Teven jeugdklas
1U J.CAC & Jeugdwinster 2014 |
Koseilata's Nice & Easy |
2U |
Crème Anglaise's Appassionata |
3U |
Pitlochry's Bell |
4U |
Freedom Silverflight de Casa Braty |
U |
Boxing Helena's Neon Extravaganza |
U |
Sylvianne's Pamina |
U |
Veredon of Love |
ZG |
Fancy Footprint's To Boxing Helena's de Casa Braty |
ZG |
Moon Orchid Nice 'n Crazy Indy |
Absent |
Delirious Now or Never |
Absent |
Moon Orchid Nice 'n Easy |
Absent |
Tappinskis Target For Love with Penbriar |
Teven tussenklas
1U |
Crème Anglaise's Sacre Coeur |
2U |
Mossbwanhill Crowd Appeal |
3ZG |
Sheol Touch of Irish |
4ZG |
Ballistic Fairey Firefly |
Absent |
Salty Sand's Bring Me Luck |