Reuen 4-6 maanden
1 |
Salty Sand's Colours of the Past |
2 |
Salty Sand's Covered with Wings |
3 |
Iberia's Pride Can't Hold me Down |
Absent |
Iberia's Pride Classic STRPKR |
Teven 4-6 maanden
1 |
Salty Sand's Cherished by Hinde |
2 |
Follow Me von der Oehlmühle |
3 |
Poppy Hills Celestial Coquelicot |
Absent |
Emi Faithful Hollandia |
Absent |
Efi Faithful Hollandia |
Absent |
Ebony Faithful Hollandia |
Teven 6-9 maanden
1 |
Veredon of Love |
2 |
Fu Ja Shen Sparkle of Hope |
3 |
Crème Anglaise's Plenty O'Toole |
4 |
Delirious Now or Never |
Shiny Sensation's Laura Pausini |
Teven 9-12 maanden
1 |
Pitlochry's Belfast |
2 |
Crème Anglaise's Appassionata |
3 |
Makadi's Ladna Dupa |
4 |
Oochigea's Minnie Mouse |
Crème Anglaise's Arco Andante |